Getting to the Truth

Many entrepreneurs are too easily put off by the ‘half answer’.
Q: Why don’t my products sell?
A: No one asks for them
Well that is an answer but is it a full answer. If we ask why again:
Q: Why does no one ask for them?
We could get any number of answers:
- A1: Because we don’t have them on display
- A2: Because they’re cheaper next door
- A3: Because the market has moved on and there’s no call for them now.
Each asks for a different reaction from the business owner, each asks for another go at asking why.
Q: Why (how) are they cheaper next door?
- A1; Because they run them as ‘loss leaders’
- A2: Because our margins (overheads) are too high
- A3: Because we source them too expensively.
We do have to be careful with A3 which has transferred responsibility from the sales force to the buyers, …
Getting to the Truth READ MORE