All You Need to Know About Hospitality & Tourism Skill
Hospitality and tourism are two very important industries that are growing rapidly. They are also very profitable, so it’s no wonder that people want to get involved with these industries.
The hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world.
The hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. With over 50 million people worldwide employed by the travel and tourism sector, it’s no surprise that this sector has become so important to our global economy. In fact, according to recent estimates by McKinsey & Company, it accounts for over $1 trillion annually!
The hospitality industry provides services that cater specifically to travelers and tourists–whether they are at home or abroad on business trips or vacations. Hotels provide accommodations; restaurants offer food services; airlines transport passengers from one place to another via air travel; cruise ships take people out onto oceans where they …
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